Latvia Export 2016 export directory

Latvia Export 2016


On the Export Council of Latvia

The Export Council of Latvia commenced its operation in the year 2009 with the aim of providing support to the Latvian local enterprises on the export initiation and expansion as well as providing convenient and accessible activation services of the external trade.

The main activities of the Export Council of Latvia include application of the export companies’ offers, advice on the selection of export markets and in other fields related to business organization, the search of collaboration partners for the local market and abroad as well as increasing the circulation of information and providing communication facilities among the members of the Export Council.

Since almost the only option for improving the economical situation in Latvia is the goods and services export, it is very important to provide accessible information, advice to enterprises as well as auxiliary services, thereby, not only encouraging enterprises to begin exporting their products, but also providing an apparent support for this process. Therefore, the Export Council of Latvia is set up right now when it is the most needed for the enterprises and the State. The Export Council of Latvia has brought together professionals from various sectors that have gained experience both in public administration and private business, therefore, they can help enterprises not only in the theoretical but also in practical knowledge about business, marketing, psychological or cultural issues-on everything important for a successful realization of products abroad.

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